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What is the new octave?

              The New Octave is a vision that came in after the massive activations I experienced during my cleanse process in South Africa. In simple words, it is the upswing of energy that surges into untold expanses of creativity as we exit the great fall and unfathomable tragedy of the inversion. The future that awaits us is more beautiful than words could ever describe, more miraculous than the creator itself could ever conceive of. It is a new octave, a standing wave of creation that rings across the expanses of the cosmos, awakening every living system into a full remembrance of the unlimited creative potential contained within every particle of this organic system. There is no precedent for an infinite horizon of creator beings awakening into their godhood, and so what emerges from this process is yet untold. One could list grandiose adjectives forever in a frail attempt to capture the magnificence of this moment, of this irreversible process our vast families of light are now enmeshed in, but our only hope of truly understanding this grand event must occur in the deepest ravines of our own being, in that purity of frequency that has never forgotten where it came from, and can never be swayed from the original immaculate vision of creation.

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